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Saturday 11 January 2014

Tian'anmen Square Incident

What can works of literature and film teach us about the Tian'anmen Square Incident?

Then answer the question you've chosen, supporting your perspective with carefully chosen quotations from TWO of the following: Bai Xianyong, "The Eternal Snow Beauty;" Shi Shuqing, "Reunion," Chen Ruoxi, "The Execution of Mayor Yin;" Mo Yan, "White Dog and the Swing;" Zhu Wen, "I Love Dollars; " Bei Dao's poems. You may also quote from Rana Mitter, A Very Short History, and your answers should be based in a careful reading of it. If you're confused about the historical chronology it will affect your paper grade for the worse. Be sure to briefly identify any quoted passages and their context in the work, including the work's title and the page number for direct quotations; do not include quotations in your word count.) In addition, please use least ONE of the films we've seen in class to support your perspective. (Gate of Heavenly Peace). DO NOT USE OTHER SOURCES.

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